If your school needs a better way to track students, please consider the Jolly Student Tracking System.
It is vital for a school to keep track of its students. The school needs to know not only attendance, whether the student is tardy, or on time. Jolly Technologies has created a practical solution to the age-old student-tracking issue.
Scan Station is a robust system, able to log and track the activity of students with ease. With a few simple clicks, Scan Station checks students in and out of school or class.. Scan Station also creates arrival time reports, letting teachers know if a student is having trouble making it to class on time.
With all of the various features of Scan Station, it’s obvious which student-tracking solution is the best choice. Try a free trial of Scan Station today and see how it works for your school.
- Track student attendance in classrooms and in the field
- Scan students in the hallways and issue hall passes
- Retrieve data from any existing student information system
- Assign warnings and detentions and notify parents via e-mail
- Generate and print attendance and detention reports