(Snippet from “The Business Care for Smart Credentials”, Security Info Watch)
Smart credentials are in the future for every organization. With increased security capabilities, they can be used to host multiple applications, enabling organizations to consolidate many services on one card – producing cost savings and increased efficiency. By combining the openness and security of open system contactless smart credentials with a myriad of applications, organizations can provide staff with more contactless functions without having to perform the software and interface tweaks so prevalent with proprietary credentials.
From checking out parts at the factory depot and buying lunch at the company cafeteria to passing a biometric verification for security at the data center, contactless smart credentials are convenient – one credential has the ability to provide many features, including identification, check-out privileges, building access, cafeteria and vending machine purchases, and many more.
Of course, any type of card can be used in these applications – magnetic strip, proximity or proprietary smart card. However, organizations are learning that they get their best return on investment (ROI) with open architecture smart credentials. Within a smart credential, a microchip can store, protect and modify information, providing many opportunities for information sharing and exchange. Smart cards offer a number of ways to verify an individual, including static and dynamic passwords, digital certificates and private keys, biometrics and pictures.
With the price of smart credentials being comparable to proximity cards today, there is no reason not to deploy smart credentials immediately, even if the only application will be physical access control. A smart credential, for the same price, provides a higher level of security, more convenience and far greater functionality than a proximity card.
Read more to find out about cost repercussions and specifications that will increase your ROI.