Are you creating high volume cards daily such as membership, medical ID, insurance or gift cards? If so, pre-printed cards may be a solution worth considering.
- Pre-printed cards are an easy and efficient option for membership cards, loyalty cards, medical ID or insurance cards, gift cards, and more!
- Design pre-printed cards to showcase your company’s brand and build customer loyalty then personalize as needed.
Pre-printed cards help with speed and consistency in output. At ASAP, we will pre-print the art work and you personalize with name/title/number as needed. This saves both time and cost of ribbons by using black only instead of full color ribbons.
If you’re printing hundreds or thousands of cards on a regular basis and then personalizing the cards on demand, we can work with you on both the pre-printed card as well as the customizing printer. Getting started is easy!
To find out more, call ASAP Identification (317-488-1030) or email us today!