When you look to invest in a new ID card system, the printer is just one critical component, but just as important to the efficiency of your ID system is your card design software.
Outside of a card design module in your access control system, there are, in general, 3 levels of off the shelf card design software available:
- Entry level – This software supports simple designs and is good for a basic organization BUT it does have limitations, mainly in connectivity to outside databases and a cap on the number records stored (usually 200).
- Mid-level – This level of software allows for connectivity to multiple outside data sources including MS Excel and MS Access. This level generally has flexibility to grow with your organization.
- Professional – The highest level of card software offers connectivity to the most data source types and the most flexibility to interface with existing enterprise systems.
Determining your needs both today and over time will help you make a smart choice and while most systems can be upgraded, some require more steps than others. Also, you will need to look at the system requirements v. your own system to make sure you are getting the most current program available.
Our recommendation is to download a free trial and see which software solution works best for you and compare the interface. Once you find one you like, ASAP Identification can help set you up with your new software. Call 317-488-1030 or email us with questions and we’ll get you started right away.