Windows Hello Secured: Simple Biometric Access
What is my password again? Where did I save it?”
Passwords are an essential part of our daily lives to help protect our identities. But they often come with a level of frustration, since our increasingly connected and digital world requires remembering numerous passwords for different systems. What if you could authenticate your identity with just a quick touch of a finger? Windows Hello, combined with HID Global fingerprint readers, makes personal authentication easy by recognizing you and only you, using just your finger.
Solving the Problem of Passwords
Passwords come with numerous complications. Data leaks and hacks are some of the more familiar challenges, but just as challenging can be creating and remembering multiple complex passwords that change over time.
Windows Hello provides reliable, fully-integrated biometric authentication options including fingerprint and facial matching. Some laptop vendors ship products with integrated cameras or fingerprint readers that are compatible with Windows Hello and these systems have been available for years. For non-biometric Windows devices, fingerprint readers can be added externally to deliver the convenience and security of biometric authentication. Fingerprint recognition for Windows Hello has been available for years, and the current generation of sensors are more reliable and less error prone than what was offered in the past.
What Is New in Fingerprint Readers
HID Global supports Windows Hello and Windows Hello for Business with the latest generation of fingerprint readers, including the EikonTouch TC510 and EikonTouch TC710 capacitive USB fingerprint readers. Windows securely stores biometric data only locally, to securely log you into your local device using Windows Hello. The biometric data is never sent to external devices or servers. Because of this feature, there is no single collection point where the data is compromised or vulnerable to external attacks.
HID Global fingerprint readers are certified by Microsoft and support the Windows Biometric Framework (WBF), which includes a set of services and interfaces supporting the consistent development and management of biometric devices.
Windows Hello vs. Windows Hello for Business
Whether you are using Windows Hello or Windows Hello for Business, the EikonTouch fingerprint readers from HID Global are compatible with both versions, to provide significantly stronger user authentication protection than passwords alone. Importantly, this increased security is easy to implement with just a touch of a finger.
Get information on how to set up your Windows Hello system with HID® EikonTouch® readers.
See how easy it is to log on with Windows Hello or read the executive brief.
Mike leads the product marketing and product management teams, which include biometric and RFID technologies that embed trust into digital devices using innovative authentication technologies. He has over 20 years of product marketing, sales and engineering experience in both the biometric technology and semiconductor industries. Chaudoin holds Bachelors degree in Engineering from Dartmouth College, a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the Rochester Institute of Technology and a Masters in Business Administration from MIT’s Sloan School of Management.